Conservation, Events, News, Updates

Earth Day 2021

Each year on 22 April, people around the world come together to celebrate our planet and drive attention and action on the climate crisis and our serious environmental issues globally. This year the Earth Day theme is #RestoreOurEarth and has a special focus on emerging green tech, climate restoration tech, and reforestation, alongside citizen science and cleanups.

The surf community in SecondLife always celebrates Earth Day, but this year there’s a problem… a big, big litter problem at Cohiba Lake. The lakeside island chill-out spot has been overrun with single-use paper, plastic and metal and we need your help!


Updated information on Region Closures

On Sunday evening we announced the news of our region closures, with heavy hearts we knew we were making preparations and plans to close them both.

In the days since, the response we’ve had has been so unexpected. We’ve experienced such a lot of support that it led us to soul search and number crunch just a little more, and whilst we aren’t able to keep both regions because of all the things we’d mentioned previously, we are very happy to announce a change of plan – we have decided to keep Ash Falls online for the foreseeable future.

Sadly, Erebos Harbor will still close as planned on 24th December. We’ve made arrangements so that our tenants at Erebos have had their time extended to the very end at no cost to them, to allow them to enjoy their homes for as long as possible whilst the region remains online.

And what this means for us now is that Ash Falls will continue to be home to five sets of tenants, and it will continue to be home to us too. With this in mind that we plan to start a fresh waitlist.

It’s been a year, right? We have both been more fortunate than we could have predicted in such an unpredictable time. But, time is of course part of our battle – so, for now whilst Leaf is busier than ever in RL all support queries should be directed to me (Julz) via inworld IM or the contact page on our website.

We are so thankful to our community for supporting us for so long. Each of you who reached out to us, who took time this week to visit for a little longer than normal or for the first time in ages, who visited for the first time ever on a “you have to see this before it’s gone” recommendation from a friend – thank you for guiding us to reflect upon and revise our plans.

In the coming weeks there are some events being planned at Ash Falls by various surf and sport groups. Initially intended as goodbye surf sessions, we hope you’ll join us to catch a couple of waves, celebrate Ash Falls and to reminisce on memories of Erebos.

See you in the surf,
Julz ♥

Ash Falls, Editorial

Tiny house – big SLiving

In a world where we can be anything and our dreams can become a pixellated reality it may seem surprising to decide to go tiny.

We recently decided to downsize on our island home at Ash Falls so we could optimise the remaining land impact across the region. We’ve been watching a whole bunch of Tiny House and Van tours on YouTube recently, so going tiny seemed like a great opportunity to put in to pixels all the stuff we’ve picked up.

Events, News, Updates

Kultivate’s 2020 Spring Art Show

We were invited to take a small gallery space at Kultivate’s 5th Annual Spring Art Show this week! The show ran from 24th April to 1st May on a Paris themed region build by Kultivate owner and editor, John (johannes.huntsman), and featured photography and sculpture from a variety of artists from across the grid alongside live performances culminating in an awards party under the eiffel tower.

Kultivate Magazine is a long running publication focussed on culture and the arts in Second Life. Through their permanent gallery spaces and seasonal events, they promote virtual art, culture, photography, music, and fashion. If you’d like to know more about what the team behind Kultivate are up to, check them out here.

Julz ♥

News, Outlands, Updates

Sea Breeze

We were recently commissioned by Keely Mistwood to create a unique, lush green, coastal environment on a private Homestead. After a couple of chats about here home and how she wished it would be we had a little brief and a lot of freedom! Make sure to check out our HD video of how this commission turned out by clicking the image above. 💕