Cloudbreak, News

Ebb and flow

A little over two months ago we opened the doors on Cloudbreak, our vision of the perfect, remote Indonesian watersports venue and we would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for the amazing way it has been received, and also to thank the owner Vally for giving us the opportunity to flex our pixel muscles on such a huge project.

Events, News, ULTRA, Updates


Following the announcement of our Creative Partnership with ULTRA Events, we were really pleased to be asked to take on a project to theme the event building ready for the September ‘Wanderlust’ round! Working with some ideas from the ULTRA team we were inspired to turn their space into a time-worn warehouse, overgrown and greening, the plaster wearing away to the bricks, with a tree towering through it’s open roof space casting shadows on the grass below.

Ash Falls, Cloudbreak, Erebos Harbor, Events, News, Updates

Photography Contest Results

First of all, thankyou so much to literally every person who contributed a photo. This was one of the hardest things we’ve had to do and have been completely blown away by both the response and all the images people have taken time to enter. We know how much work goes into photo creation and we try to make that a little easier by putting just as much effort into our environments, for you.

We love, admire and respect all of the creativity and talent that we are so lucky to have within such an amazing group of people. Never stop doing what you do. You make everyones lives richer.

💕 Leaf & Julz

Cloudbreak, Events, News, ULTRA, Updates

Dune Buddy

No. 59 Beer Vending Machine
materials enabled, bento beer vending machine offering a choice of all Planberger and soft drink varieties, with group or public vend options. Available at ULTRA from August 15th, currently on display at Ash Falls

At [d.p], we’re always trying to find new ways of bringing you the newest and latest ideas, products and designs. So with that in mind, we’re pleased to announce that we have formed a creative partnership with ULTRA events. We’ll be working with ULTRA’s designers to showcase the very best of their latest releases across our regions in advance, so you can get up close and personal with them before anyone else 💕 .

Cloudbreak, News, Soul Surfing, Updates

Shifting tides

What do you do when someone who has owned the same region for over a decade, asks for the dream environment they’ve been searching for, for all those years? Get intimidated? Laugh nervously? I think we did both of those things at first. I think all of us knew the next few months would be pretty intense, but perhaps not quite to the extent that it has been.