A little over two months ago we opened the doors on Cloudbreak, our vision of the perfect, remote Indonesian watersports venue and we would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for the amazing way it has been received, and also to thank the owner Vally for giving us the opportunity to flex our pixel muscles on such a huge project.
We’re now two months on and our involvement with Cloudbreak has come to its’ natural conclusion and we’re happy to announce that the management of all Cloudbreak related activity will be returned to Vally while we look forward to future projects.
Cloudbreak has been moved to an alternate, dedicated land group which can be found on the greeter at the landing point on sim and will remain free to join for the duration of October. We wish her every success in the future with her amazing new venue.
As most of you will be aware, the Indonesian island of Sulawesi was struck by a 7.7m earthquake and subsequent 6 meter tsunami this week. Our thoughts and prayers go to the families affected during such a hard time for the region.
In the coming days, a search will be conducted for a relevant charity/relief fund so that people may contribute to the recovery of the survivors, at Cloudbreak.
Vally says:
Thank you so much [dirtypretty] for helping make my SL dreams come true-) You put your heart and soul into [cloudbreak] and it truly shows in the beauty you created there. thank you and i cannot wait to see what dp does next!