
Red tape and blue skies

Whether you’re new to digital sports or not, you will have noticed a massive amount of red tape issued by pseudo-organisations, old wives tales, political opinions and agendas which seem to dominate everywhere you turn. The “must do’s” and “definitely don’ts” that seem to vary from person to person.

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Photography Contest Results

First of all, thankyou so much to literally every person who contributed a photo. This was one of the hardest things we’ve had to do and have been completely blown away by both the response and all the images people have taken time to enter. We know how much work goes into photo creation and we try to make that a little easier by putting just as much effort into our environments, for you.

We love, admire and respect all of the creativity and talent that we are so lucky to have within such an amazing group of people. Never stop doing what you do. You make everyones lives richer.

💕 Leaf & Julz