Rental Information/Covenant
If you are interested in renting please contact one of our team in world or by using our contact page, so the rental box may be unlocked for you.
Below you will find our covenant and rules and expectations of the rental property.
Please read the entire covenant before contacting management or confirming your agreement.
Our commitment to you..
All [dirty.pretty] parcels come with parcel-wide security orbs, music stream control, chat/voice privacy, and optional anti-cam privacy, in a picturesque setting.
We will ensure that your new environment will be monitored, maintained and kept secure from nuiscance to the best of our ability.
We have (and will continue to) ensure(d) that each home is carefully considered and modified to sit within the aesthetic. As such these can not be replaced on request.
Any disturbance created by non-residents, or objects, should be reported to management immediately so the issue can be resolved or offending person(s)/object(s) removed.
The land impact of existing furnishings at the time of renting will be taken into consideration against the homes’ prim allocation.
A platform is provided above the property, for any use you require which may be unsuitable for ground level. All items on these platforms will be taken into consideration against the homes’ prim allocation.
We will continue to ensure that no ban lines exist on any of our parcels, to group members. Any discovered should be reported to management so that we can correct the situation.
All [d.p] rentals have optional anti-cam privacy and have voice enabled (limited to parcel). Public areas of [d.p] sims, do not have voice enabled.
All [d.p] land will always have the fly ability disabled.
Custom security orbs are supplied with every home to protect from the parcel boundary, and 30 meters directly up. The tennant will be granted full Admin access to the orb and responsible for the addition/removal of guests to the whitelist and the orbs de/activation until the rental period expires. Guests will also be required to be members of the land group for access in most scenarios.
The user manual for the orbs can be found here.
Music stream access will be supplied by custom cellphone changers in every home.
The user manual for the stream changer can be found here.
Your responsibilites..
We politely request that any chosen decor be complimentary to the environment.
Please remain within your prim allocation, if we do notice that you are over your prim limit, we will politely ask you to adjust. Prims are shared with the rest of the renters within the environment and a temp-rez buffer must be maintained. Individual prim counts can be requested for your parcel by interacting with the rental unit at your new home.
Please do not rez items that are overly bright, noisy, flashing or that may be deemed disturbing to visitors or other tenants. This includes breedable pets.
Objects with hovertext, should be avoided wherever possible, or the text turned off if possible.
Decor/Apparatus of an obvious Adult nature should be restricted to skybox locations.
Please do not rez anything off sim or outside the rented parcel limits, that will alter the view that has been provided for you, other tenants and group members.
Renting [d.p] parcels to a 3rd party is forbidden. If you would like to add someone to the rental box as a co-tenant, please contact management, or add them via the rental box menu.
[d.p] rentals are residential only lettings, however business related servers are permitted.
Visitors to the group-only/public/community areas of the environment should be treated with the same respect as other residents. Any issues should be reported to the management for resolution. In accordance with this, all invited guests are expected to also adhere to this request.
The legal bits..
In the event that the covenant is broken, [d.p] reserve the right to reclaim the rental. This includes, but is not limited to, late tier.
If you have not contacted management for any arrangements in regards to late payments (and are in arrears) we will assume that the parcel has been abandoned and objects will be returned.
[d.p] reserve the right to return objects causing lag, performance issues or visual/audible disturbances on the sim.
[d.p] are not responsible for the loss of no-copy items/store servers in the event of eviction.
[d.p] will not refund remaining tier in the event of eviction due to the covenant being broken.
[d.p] will not refund remaining tier in the event that the tenant decides to abandon the rental early.